Monday, September 15, 2014

Ohio Birding

American Golden Plover

 We arrived in Ohio on September 12 and I decided to go to a wildlife area called Killdeer Plains that I knew about from our six months in Columbus back in 2004. There were lots of shorebirds and waders but they were very far away and I did not bring my telescope so I was at a disadvantage. I did find what I am pretty sure is an American Golden Plover. The winter Plumage of the American Golden Plover and the Black-bellied Plover are very similar. I think it is a Golden Plover based on the prominent dot behind the eye that should be almost non existent in the Black-bellied. Some other birders that saw this bird the next day thought it was a Black-bellied but I am sticking to my ID for now.

I then chased the Reddish Egret on Saturday Afternoon and Sunday morning we drove across Ohio and stopped in at shore of Lake Erie at Headland Dunes State Park and found the reported Northern Wheatear, which was a life bird for me. 

Northern Wheatear

Here is the list update as the big year continues...

115 American Golden Plover, Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, Ohio
116 Acadian Flycatcher, Hardin County, Ohio
117 Carolina Chickadee, Hardin County, Ohio
118 House Wren, Hardin County, Ohio
119 Tennessee Warbler, Hardin County, Ohio
120 American Redstart, Hardin County, Ohio
121 Chestnut-sided Warbler, Hardin County, Ohio
122 Brown-headed Cowbird, Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, Ohio
123 Red-shouldered Hawk, along Hwy 30 Eastern Ohio
124 Pectoral Sandpiper, Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, Ohio
125 Northern Mockingbird, Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, Ohio
126 Reddish Egret, Delaware County, Ohio
127 Bonaparte's Gull, Headland Dunes State Park, Ohio
128 Northern Wheatear, Headland Dunes State Park, Ohio
129 Yellow Warbler, Headland Dunes State Park, Ohio
130 Palm Warbler, Headland Dunes State Park, Ohio


  1. Your list is much bigger than ours. We saw a Grey Jay, Stellar Jay, Clark's Nutcracker, Bald Eagle and an Osprey on our school campout this last weekend!

    1. Good job, one thing that I was going to point out soon is that this time of year is slow for birding. Birds Are migrating, moving to lower elevations and just generally not as visible as they are during breeding season. Also the mountains are limited habitat so there are fewer species that live up there. Keep the search going your lists will grow.
