Monday, March 9, 2015

Bird of the Week 25

I may have said that I was going to go easy on sparrows because so many of them look similar and are pretty hard to tell apart even for experienced birders.  However this is a pretty easy one and again, I thing a very beautiful bird.  Not only is it a sharp looker, they fill the spring air with their songs.  We were camped at Seminole Canyon State Park that borders the Rio Grande River in South Texas.  This clip shows a bird in the late evening as he quietly preens and softly sings and then the next morning as we walked out of our trailer to watch the sun come up there were several of these little guys filling the desert morning with their song.  If you listen carefully in the first half of the video, you can hear a recent Bird of the Week calling, can you remember what he is by his call?  This species can be found in parts of south east Oregon, the range map shows them ranging in most of eastern Oregon during the summer.  Enjoy this weeks bird and happy birding. 

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