Friday, September 11, 2015

The rest of the list for the Amazing Bird Race Wraparound Big Year

Final post to update the species list for the big year starting Sept 1, 2014.  It has been quite a ride.  Over 30,000 miles, 40 states and 2 Provinces.  This final list addition includes the birds from Alaska and some I had not gotten yet in Oregon.  Some of the best birds of the year are on this list since I had never been to Alaska and some were life birds. 

I love spring when the birds sing

493 Olive Sided Flycatcher, Black Butte Swamp, Deschutes County, Oregon
494 Dusky Flycatcher, Black Butte Swamp, Deschutes County, Oregon
495 Tri-color Blackbird, Crook County, Oregon
496 Northern Waterthrush, Scout island, Williams Lake, British Columbia
497 Trumpeter Swan, Bend Oregon
498 Marbled Murrelet, Alaska Inter-coastal Waterway
499 Northwest Crow, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
500 Rhinoceros Auklet, Alaska Inter-coastal Waterway
501 Arctic Tern, Petersburg, Alaska
502 Gray-cheeked Thrush, Chilkat Pass, British Columbia, Canada
503 Alder Flycatcher, Dezadeash River, British Columbia, Canada
504, White-winged Crossbill, Tolsona Wilderness Campground, Alaska

White-winged Crossbill

505, Great Gray Owl, Tolsona Wilderness Campground, Alaska
506, Hudsonian Godwit, Anchorage, Alaska
507 Thick-billed Murre, Resurrection Bay, Alaska

Thick-billed Murre

508 Common Murre, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
509 Ancient Murrelet, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
510 Kittlitz's Murrelet, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
511 Parakeet Auklet, Resurrection Bay, Alaska

Parakeet Auklet

512 Tufted Puffin, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
513 Horned Puffin, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
514 Boreal Chickadee, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
515 Glaucous Gull, Mud Bay, Homer Harbor, Alaska
516 Aleutian Tern, Mud Bay, Homer Harbor, Alaska

Aleutian Tern

517 Willow Ptarmagan, Denali National Park, Alaska
518 Gyrfalcon, Denali National Park, Alaska
519 American Tree Sparrow, Denali National Park, Alaska
520 Arctic Warbler, Denali Hwy, Alaska

Arctic Warbler

521 Northern Goshawk, Denali Hwy, Alaska
522 Rock Ptarmagan, Steese Hwy, Alaska
523 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Steese Hwy, Alaska
524 Long-tailed Jeager, Denali Hwy, Alaska
525 Hoary Red Pole, Denali Hwy, Alaska
526 Least Flycatcher, Yukon Wildlife Preserve, Yukon, Canada
527 Solitary Sandpiper, Toad River Lodge, British Columbia, Canada
528 Philadelphia Vireo, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
529 Veery, Vaseux Bird Sanctuary, British Columbia, Canada
530 Thayer's Gull, Astoria, Oregon
531 Common Nighthawk, Rt 20 near, Sisters, Oregon
532 Western Screech Owl, Trout Creek Swamp, Deschutes County, Oregon
533 Flamulated Owl, Trout Creek Swamp, Deschutes County, Oregon
534 Willow Flycatcher, Wood River Wetlands, Klamath County, Oregon.
535 Chukar, Wheeler County, Oregon


536 Little Stint, Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes County, Oregon
537 Hermit Warbler, Sparks Lake, Deschutes County, Oregon
538 Bobolink, Crook County, Oregon
539 Yellow Rail, Klamath Marsh, Klamath County, Oregon
540 Common Poorwill, Pine Mountain, Deschutes County, Oregon
541 Surfbird, Depoe Bay, Oregon

Surfbird the final bird of the Amazing Bird Race, Sept 1, 2014 to Aug 31, 2015

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